Product Information


Standard Q HCV Ab Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of specific antibodies to HCV present in human serum,plasma or whole blood.This test is for in vitro professional diagnostic use and intended as an aid to early diagnosis of HCV infection in patient with clinical symptoms with HCV infection.It provides an initial screening test result.More specific alternative diagnosis methods should be performed in order to obtain the confirmation of HCV infection.

Title Detail
Format Immunoconcentration based rapid test
Sample Type Serum/Plasma
Sample Volume 50µl
Detects IgM & IgG antibodies against HIV
Immobilized Material Anti-human IgG monoclonal antibody
Storage Temperature 2-40˚C
Shelf Life 18 Months
Performance Sensitivity:-100%;Specificity:-100%
Sr. No. Title Download
Type Category No. Description
Device RK022-50 50 Tests/Kit,Cassette,Buffer Bottle,Specimen transfer Device (50µl),Micro Tube & Instruction for use